PGA Hope Southwest &
Fraternal Order of Police Associates
Golf Tournament
Saturday, September 26th, 2020

Full Payment MUST be included with entry form
Entry Deadline: Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020
It will fill up quickly!
Entry Deadline: Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020
It will fill up quickly!

For more information please contact Augusta Ranch Golf Club or Josh Young at or call (480)354-1234
Tournament Info
“Play For Those Who Fought For and Protect You”
Sign up as a single, twosome, threesome or foursome. All proceeds benefit the PGA Hope Southwest and Fraternal Order of Police Associates
If you can’t Play, Come to dinner and support the event.
($25 minimum donation)
If you can’t Play, Come to dinner and support the event.
($25 minimum donation)
Saturday, September 26th, 2020
2:00 PM ShotgunCourse
Augusta Ranch Golf Club
2401 S Lansing
Mesa, AZ 85212Format
4 Person ScrambleField
Limited to 104 playersEntry
$65 Min. Donation / playerIncludes
- Dinner
- Free Round of Golf Certificate
- Raffle and 50/50 Drawing
- Supporting the Military
- Supporting the Police
- Supporting the USA
Sponsorship Opportunities
Gold Sponsor
(Includes 5 hole signs and a 4 person team entry)
Silver Sponsor
(Includes 3 hole signs)
Bronze Sponsor
(Includes 1 hole sign)
Beverage Cart Sponsor
(Includes logo on drink tickets)
Important message to sponsors
You MUST Submit Artwork with payment to Josh Young, PGA at Augusta Ranch Golf Club (480) 354-1234 on or before September 1st, 2020.